Saturday, September 12, 2020

科學 . Matter 物質

今天學校的科學功課,是要看一部短頻回答問題。第一題,what physical property can help you to classify matter?弟弟看了幾遍摸不着頭緒,説是 by looking at it。媽媽舉例說 physical property 有點類似 physical apperance,例如媽媽的 physical appearance,你可以說媽媽的眼睛大大的,頭髮黑色的,頭髮長長的,胖胖的,高高的之類的。弟弟仍舊 by looking at it。媽媽再舉例,說外面的樹上有綠色的葉子之類的,他還是聼不進去,仍說:“對呀!就是 by looking at it,就是它的 Physical property!”眼看他都不理解,又快發脾氣了。媽媽問說:“那如果一個瞎子來問你,草莓長怎麽樣?你跟他說 by looking at it?”弟弟似乎理解了,收拾起快爆炸的情緒。媽媽畫了顆草莓,請他幫忙敘述他能夠描述的,例如紅色的外表,綠色的葉子,很多幼小的種子,輕輕的等等。終於有所領悟了。

Matter物質)is everything around you.

Types of Matter 物質種類:

  1. Solid 固態  (各擧三個例子)
  2. Liquid 液態
  3. Gas 氣態
Physical Property 物理性質

Mass 質量 (例如:木頭桌子)   VS    Volume (例如:洋娃娃)


  • What Am I?

          I can be sparkling but I'm not a star
          I can run but I don't have any legs
          I can fall but I don't get hurt
          I can help you clean but I'm not soap 
          Answer: Water

  • What Am I?
          I am the measure of the amount of matter in a substance.      
          What am I?
          Answer: Mass

  • What Am I?
          I'm hard but I'm not a stone
          I'm cold but I don't need coat
          If I get warmed up, I change appearance but I'm not popcorn
          I get put in drinks but I'm not a straw
          I'm made of H2O but I'm not running water
          Answer: Ice

  • What Am I?
          I am a state of matter.
          I have my own volume.
          Wood and plastic are example.
          What am I?
          Answer: Solid

  • What Am I?
          I am a state of matter.
          I am often invisible.
          I do have my own shape or volume.
          Oxygen is an example.
          What am I?
          Answer: Gas

  • What Am I?
          I am anything that has mass and takes up space
          I can be a solid, liquid or gas.
          What am I?
          Answer: Matter

  • What Am I?
          I am a measure of the amount of space that an object takes up.        
          What am I?
          Answer: Volume 


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