Friday, October 30, 2020


 ~ 10/30/2020 ~

弟弟的小組英文課,老師準備了一片短文,問說:「你們想要自行閱讀?還是大家一起讀?」媽媽以為害羞的弟弟會說要自己讀,沒想到弟弟竟是第一個回答說:「Read Together!」老師好像沒有預警到會有這種答案,因為只剩下4分鐘的小組時間,便抓來他 favorite 的同學 Emma 問:「Emma, what do you think?」沒想到 Emma 同樣也回答說:「Read Together!」,老師繼續問,大夥都是同樣的「Read Together!」老師只好建議說:「I will still post the article on the Pearson account for you, as we have only 4 minutes left, I will encourage you to go read it yourself during the break time!」


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