Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Full Steam Ahead - Muscle Structure

~ 12/09/2020 ~

館員先發問請小朋友回答 True / False。

  1. An human has over 1,000 muscle. False
  2. Your heart is a muscle. True
  3. Muscles that are used everyday will get smaller or weaker. False
  4. The longest muscle in the human body is found in your tight. True
  5. The strongest muscle is our jaw. True


Push up

Feel the muscle

唸有關 muscle 的書。舌頭竟然有 8 個 muscle。

問題:Do you think it takes more muscle to smile or frown? Frown
微笑 - 運用 17 muscle
皺眉 - 運用43 muscle


Muscle doing their work by tighting and relaxing.

Flexing - contracting —> muscle is becoming shorter

很好玩的一堂 virtual full steam ahead!

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