Thursday, March 17, 2022



姊姊報名了圖書館的活動 — Teen Plant Club: Native Plant。出席率非常低,只有兩個 teen 報名,所以家人也被邀一同上課。主講人熱愛種植本土植物,為蝴蝶、蜜蜂、蜂鳥等提供了覓食花粉的優良場所。以下所有的植物都是她和先生在自家庭院栽種的,實在太厲害了!退休人士,卻過得非常充實、忙碌。每天忙著當義工,幫忙整理公家的花園,也忙著打理自家院子的植物。

可以當義工的地方:Native plant society: The Molly Hollar Wildscape,

Texas Native plants that attract butterflies. 

因為是本土植物,在本地栽種再適合不過了。毋需每天澆水,除非土地開始乾裂才需要澆些水,也不需施肥,就補給一些 compost。


** 除了 Cowper Daisy 是 Annual Plant 以外,其他的都是 Perennial Plant **

* 是媽媽想栽種的品種

Golden Groundsel

Redbud (tree)

Four nerve daisy (bloom through the summer & winter)

Downy phlox (lovely scent)

Golden columbine

Mexican plum (tree) (the highest is about 25ft. Not very big tree)

Lance leaf coreopsis 


*Autumn sage (bloom through summer and fall, nectar for everyone, butterfly, hummingbird, etc.)

Cowper daisy (annual)

*Purple coneflower (middle part are all flowers)(butterfly comes eat nectar and rest)

*Flame acanthus (hummingbird)(hardy)

Grega’s mistflower (good for butterfly)(hardy)

Zexminia (small plant)

Mealy blue sage (cut in winter and grow back next year)

Texas lantana (tough plant) (cut it short to about 6 inches in winter and let it grow back)

Turk’s cap (hummingbird) (cut back in winter) (seed is edible)

Western iron weed (can get tall)

Fall blooming

Purple fall aster (hardy) (very purple)

Goldenrod (great for pollinator) (sticky pollen, no problem for allergy) (great for migration of butterflies)

Frost weed (get 6 ft. Tall)

East Texas mistflower

Heath aster (bloom white all over) (tough and will grow through crack)

Velvetleaf senna

White mistflower (bloom till late November, the latest of all up here)


** 經過介紹,才知道 texas native milkweed 是不容易栽種成功的。媽媽之前在休斯頓栽種的那一類應該是屬於 tropical milkweed,雖極其容易栽種,卻可能給 monarch 帶了疾病 **

Antelope horns

Green milkweed


Monarch, Queen (inner wing looks like monarch)

Black swallowtail

Gulf fritillary

Varigated fritillary

Red admiral

Zebra longwing

Pipevine swallowtail

Bordered patch (lay eggs on zexminia)

Texan crescent

Giant swallowtail (very big, can get 6” across)


Eastern tiger swallowtail (as big as giant swallowtail) (lay eggs on tree, such as oak)

~ Autumn Sage(Salvia greggii)~

~ Purple Coneflower ~

~ Flame acanthus ~

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