Thursday, March 31, 2022






How to Grow Asparagus, Complete Growing Guide

How to Grow Asparagus

Asparagus plants are monoecious, which means each individual asparagus plant is either male or female. Some varieties of asparagus, such as Jersey Knight and Jersey Giant, produce all male or primarily male plants, so they’re more productive — male plants yield more harvestable shoots because they don’t have to invest energy in producing seeds. Stick to an all-male asparagus variety if high yield is your main goal.

How to Mulch and Water Your Asparagus Plant

Water regularly during the first two years after planting. As asparagus matures, it crowds out most weeds and sends long, fleshy roots deep into the earth, so watering is less critical. Fertilize in spring and fall by top-dressing with liquid fertilizer (such as compost tea) or side-dressing with a balanced fertilizer.

Remove and destroy the fern-like foliage before new growth appears in spring; it can harbor diseases and pest eggs.

How to Harvest Asparagus

Don’t harvest any asparagus spears during the first two years that plants are in the permanent bed because they need to put energy into establishing deep roots. During the third season, pick the spears over a four-week period, and by the fourth year, extend your harvest to eight weeks. In early spring, harvest spears every third day or so; as the weather warms, you might have to pick your asparagus twice a day to keep up with production.  To harvest, cut asparagus spears with a sharp knife or snap off the spears at, or right below, ground level with your fingers.

If young spears turn brown and become soft or withered, they may have been injured by frost. Cover spears with mulch or newspaper when freezing nights are predicted.(文章來源:




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