Sunday, October 30, 2022

自然探討 . 特別的毛毛蟲

小插曲:弟弟病了(發燒、喉嚨痛、頭痛、咳嗽),週六晚開始便臥床休息,一直到星期一,除了被媽媽強迫起床喝水、吃東西、洗澡、走路、抹身體,其他時間都在睡。星期一與二,媽媽沒讓他上學,讓他在家好好休息養病。星期二早上,被媽媽硬拗起床吃了兩小時的豐盛早餐(其實也只吃了一點點,不過總算有進食了一些營養米糊和一點點的麵包),媽媽主動邀請弟弟看 YouTube 視頻(儘量不讓他一直睡,感覺弟弟是越睡越累了),就是觀看以下這些由蟲結蛹,再破繭而出的毛毛蟲的 life cycle,弟弟驚呼小蟲子的天壤轉變,硬是觀看了多幾集。總算今天是身體轉好的開始,會說,會笑,不會一直昏睡。

~ 世界之大,無奇不有 ~

  • Fungus Gnat 蕈蚊

~ 視頻 ~

Fungus Gnat Larvae Travelling in Procession

A Snake-Like Procession of Fungus Gnat Larvae Worming Its Way Across My Yard

Fungus Gnat Larvae Eating Carrot Time Lapse

Fungus gnats (Sciarids) - Life Cycle of Bradysia ocellaris

  • Hawk Moth Hemeroplanes 赫摩里奥普雷斯毛虫

~ 視頻 ~

Snake Mimic Caterpillar - Hawk Moth Hemeroplanes Amazing Animal Mimicry

  • Puss Moth 黑帶二尾舟蛾

A large white or greyish-white furry moth, the Puss moth is named after the cat-like appearance of the adult.

~ 視頻 ~

Watch This Caterpillar Turn Into A Puss Moth | The Dodo

Puss Moth

Puss Moth (underwing)

Puss Moth

Puss Moth (empty eggs)

Puss Moth (Young Caterpillar)         Puss Moth (Caterpillar in defense posture)

Puss Moth (Cocoon)

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