Sunday, October 9, 2022






第二天早上,開始有了動靜~往廚房紙底下鑽,鑽破了一個洞,參考網路,發現它會吃馬鈴薯,切了一小塊給它(不能太大,網路說它會 drown),沒看它吃。發現它躲在乾成一團的燈籠椒葉片上,是想吃燈籠椒葉子嗎?弟弟摘來兩片送給它。到了晚上,好像也沒吃,有幾顆便便,可是此刻的它卻非常活躍,一直繞圈圈爬,似乎在找東西。



這隻應該是 Manduca Sexta(Tobacco Hornworm)煙草天蛾,又名傳粉夜蛾。

What’s a Manduca? 

“Giant baby is bigger than its parents!” may make a great cover story for a magazine that publishes fake news, but in the world of moths and butterflies, it isn’t unusual for the juvenile caterpillar to weigh more than the adult moth or butterfly.

One such insect is Manduca sexta, also known as the tobacco hornworm or hawkmoth. In this species, juveniles weigh almost five times as much as the adults. It has four main life stages: the egg, the juvenile or larva, the pupa, and the adult. Between these four life stages, the hornworm makes some astounding changes in size and form.

From tiny beginnings

Hornworm eggs start out at a tiny 1 millimeter in length—about the size of a pen tip. The eggs take a couple of days to hatch into larvae, and then the magic begins. Over a short three weeks, a hornworm will grow from about 0.01 grams to 12 grams. That is more than a 1000-fold increase in mass, about the same as if a housecat grew to the size of an elephant!

Hornworms grow more than 1000 times larger in mass,
the same as if a housecat grew to the size of an elephant!

Room to grow

During this period of speedy growth, the tobacco hornworm will shed its waxy skin, or cuticle, four times. This process is called molting and allows the larva to continue growing. Without molting, the cuticle would be too small, and the larva wouldn’t be able to grow—this would be like wearing shoes too small for you that stunt the growth of your feet.

Ready for change

The growth period between molts is called an instar. The larval stage consists of five instars (four molts). During the final instar, the larva prepares for metamorphosis, the process by which the tobacco hornworm caterpillar is transformed into an adult hawkmoth. Once the caterpillar reaches a large enough mass called the critical weight, the process that will trigger metamorphosis begins.


Manduca pupae Manduca pupae, photo by Art Woods

First, the caterpillar goes into a “wandering stage”, where it stops eating and searches for a site to transform or pupate. Pupation is the process of forming a hard brown shell, similar to a cocoon. This shell protects the tissues inside the pupa that are involved in the transformation from a caterpillar to a moth. During this process, the pupa will not be able to move. To stay safe from predators that might eat them, caterpillars will often wander into a hole in the ground to pupate.

Hornworm metamorphosis takes approximately three weeks, after which the moth emerges. During pupation, the 12 gram caterpillar is transformed into a 2 or 3 gram adult moth. The newly hatched adults mate during their nocturnal activity and the females deposit their eggs on the underside of tobacco plants. Then the cycle begins all over again.

Adult Manduca after metamorphosis, photo by Art Woods

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