Thursday, October 21, 2021

Homeschool . 數學 . Common Multiples

~ 10/21/2021 ~ 

用 hundred chart 觀察 multiples 之間的關係!
黑框的是 multiples of 2,
紅圈的是 multiples of 3,
黃三角形是 multiples of 6。
觀察:2 X 3 = 6,所以 multiples of 6 are common multiples of 2 and 3。

黑框是 multiples of 2,
籃框是 multiples of 4,
綠框是 multiples of 8。
觀察:2 X 4 = 8,所以 multiples of 8 are common multiples of 2 and 4。

紅框是 multiples of 3,
綠圈是 multiples of 9,
藍叉是 multiples of 27。
觀察:3 X 9 = 27,所以 multiples of 27 are common multiples of 3 and 9。

What Am I? Riddles

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