Friday, October 8, 2021

Homeschool . 科學 . Concept 1 Unit 1 . Lesson 5 . Trees

 ~ 10/04/2021 ~

對比七月、10/4/2021(今天)、十一月、十二月的 sunrise、sunset 時間,得知夏日日照長,而   秋冬日照短,從而瞭解到,植物在寒冷與日照短的冬天,沒辦法製造大量的葉綠素(chlorophyll)進行光合作用,因此 deciduous trees 會落葉以備度過寒冷的冬天。


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What is a branch?

A branch refers to the woody structure of the tree that grows from its trunk or stem. It’s, however, not part of the central trunk and can be a small division from another branch or outgrowth. 

Its main function is to facilitate the transport of water and nutrients from the tree’s trunk to the leaves. Branches also act as key support and balance structures for the fruits, flowers and leaves.

What is a limb?

A limb refers to a large or the primary division arising from the trunk of the tree. Most experts estimate it to be at least 4 inches bigger than a standard branch. 

Its main functions are very similar to that of the branches, although it may sometimes take the role of the trunk in some trees.

Tree branch anatomy

  • Leaves – Leaves are the flattened green blade-like structures found on every tree. They are responsible for photosynthesis (food production) and transpiration (respiration) for the tree. Depending on their location, the leaves may develop adaptive features such as hairs, bristles, scales etc. 

  • Crown – The tree crown refers to the upper visible part of the tree. It includes the tree branches, limbs, leaves and flowers, and starts at the level of the first branch. The shape of the crowns is different for most trees. 

  • Branches – Branches arise from the trunks or limbs of the tree forming part of the crown. They extend to have twigs that hold leaves, flowers and fruits for some trees. The branches are important for the support and transport of water and nutrition from the trunk to the leaves. 

  • Trunk – The trunk is the centre structure of the tree where branches and limbs grow from. It connects the tree from the roots allowing transport of food, nutrients and water to all parts of the crown. Trunks also raise leaves above the ground to receive adequate sunlight. It’s made up of the outer bark, inner bark, cambium cell layer, sapwood and heartwood. 

  • Roots – The roots are arguably the most important parts of the tree. The network of roots underground is responsible for the tree’s anchorage, absorption and uptake of water, minerals and oxygen, transport to the trunk, growth and storage. The root structures for trees also differ depending on the species.


Difference between branches and twigs

The biggest difference between branches and twigs is their size. Twigs are usually much smaller and grow from branches or even small bushes. They can be easily defined as the ‘smallest’ branches. 

However, some trees may have larger twigs than the branches of another tree, i.e. twigs of an Oak tree may be bigger than that of a cherry tree. 

Another key difference is that twigs have leaves growing directly from them. Branches, on the other hand, grow from the trunk and can be significantly large such as boughs or lateral branches.

What are the boughs of a tree?

Boughs refer to the large or primary branches of a tree. They grow directly from the trunk and hence can be interchangeably called limbs. Most people, including tree experts, however, avoid these terms and opt to use the word ‘‘branch’ in conversation.

Bough vs Branch

The main difference between a bough branch is its size. Boughs are usually associated with branches bigger than the average-sized branch on a tree. 

Another key difference is that boughs can only grow from the trunk. A branch, on the other hand, can grow from a bough or limb, trunk or another branch. 

In terms of functions, boughs and branches perform the same activities. They are crucial in supporting foliage development and may have some small branches and twigs growing from them. 

Their shape and structure, like branches, also vary depending on the different types of trees.

What is the main branch of a tree called? 

The main branch is known as the bough. It’s unique because of its large size and girth. Other subdivisions from the trunk are plainly known as branches, while the smaller divisions from the branch are called twigs.

Trunk vs branch 

The trunk of the tree is the vertical wooden part that connects the crown to the roots. It’s also the part from which all branches grow and gain their water and nutrients. 

Once the roots absorb water, oxygen or nutrients, they are transported to the trunk, which then distributes them to the branches and boughs. 

Branches finally deliver the nutrients to the twigs and leaves.

Stem vs Trunk 

For trees, the stem refers to its trunk. However, this isn’t the case for all plants. This is because the term trunk is often associated with ‘woody’ plants. 

In botany, the experts use the word stem when referring to plants that aren’t naturally woody. In essence, all trunks are stems, but not all stems are trunks. 

Another difference between these two tree parts is that most stems can photosynthesise while most trunks can’t.



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