Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Homeschool . Education Technology . Similes

 ~ 10/25/2021 ~

操作了兩周,我們每天都趕不上課程進度,兩周都收到老師的“問候” email。按照過去兩周的經驗,媽媽和弟弟統籌、計劃了一張時間表,希望這周能按照預定的時間完成所有的課程。弟弟按照約定,6:30AM 起床。昨天是準備就緒,7點媽媽給他上數學課,8點媽媽送姐姐去學校,弟弟自行在家完成數學題。然而,因爲我們都用飯桌上課,8點吃早餐,弟弟又得把課本、作業移開,吃完,又再抹桌子,好像很費工,今天做調整,先吃了,再上,但卻比預定的7點晚上課。

~ 這一周學 Simile!對!Technology 學 Simile!~

A simile is a type of figurative language that compares one object to another using the words like or as. People use similes frequently to emphasize what they are trying to describe. Look at this sentence: The dog ran fast. As a reader, you understand that the dog ran fast, but how fast? Look at the sentence with a simile: The dog ran as fast as a cheetah. This gives you a better picture of how fast the dog was running. The simile is: as fast as a cheetah. The first subject, the dog, is being compared to the second subject, the cheetah’s running speed.

視頻BrainPOP Jr. - Similes

A nursie is a baby pacifier. Arrant means complete or utter, so in the poem it means a complete sleepy head.

Word 學習操作步驟!

GCF Global - Getting Started with Word and Saving

GCF Global - Using Indents and Tabs

GCF Global - Working with Tables in Word 2010

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