Friday, October 22, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Adaptations

 ~ 10/21/2021 ~

終於“可以”開始新單元了!媽媽還在摸索如何教導弟弟,這一週的課程仍進行得非常緩慢,而且每一天的 overdue lessons 比上週還多,感覺沒有進步,可是教法有在調整改進!希望會越來越好啊!

Essential Question: What helps an animal survive? 

Some animals have adapted to be able to survive, or keep living, in their environment. Adapt means to change over time.

For example, chameleons can change their skin color to help hide themselves from predators, or other animals that might hunt them for food. The ability to blend in with surroundings is called camouflage.



  1. to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a particular place or situation.
    • Ex: When children go to a different school, it usually takes them a while to adapt.
  2. to change (something) so that it functions better or is better suited for a purpose. 
    • Ex: The teachers adapted the curriculum so that students of all abilities will benefit from it. 
    • The camera has been adapted for underwater use. 
    • The clock was adapted to run on batteries.
  3. to change (a movie, book, play, etc.) so that it can be presented in another form 
    • He adapted the novel for the stage. [=he rewrote the novel as a play] 
    • The movie was adapted from the book of the same title.
    • adapting the movie for television




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