Saturday, October 2, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Concept 1 Unit 1 Lesson 7 . The Sugar Snow

 ~ 10/01/2021 ~

媽媽早上有視訊佛學 Q&A,且要出門到 Kroger 領取昨日訂購的蔬菜(姐姐今天14歲生日,買些牛奶做蛋糕!),弟弟不打擾媽媽,自己認真的將昨天所寫的 Acrostic poem,一一整齊的抄進一張全新的活頁紙。弟弟寫詩成癮,每每說到一個新的主題,都要寫詩,媽媽不想因爲趕進度而打斷他的興致,課程就慢慢上吧,不要趕!


MAPLE SYRUP | How It's Made

Maple Syrup Production


Massachusetts Maple Producers Association - How Maple Syrup is Made

Time - A Brief History of Maple Syrup

早期的 settlers(移民、拓荒者)從北美原住民身上學會如何從
糖楓(Sugar Maple)樹上提取樹液(sap),再濃縮萃取糖漿。

 Massachusetts Maple Producers Association
所刊登於 “How Maple Syrup is made” 説明
 “There is no set time when a sugarmaker must tap the trees. 
They must be aware of the clues of nature to tell when the time is right. 
      • Temperatures are not as extreme as earlier in the winter. 
      • Streams run with melting snow and icicles drip faster. 
      • Crows can be heard announcing the not-too-distant arrival of spring. 
Mostly what the sugarmaker is waiting for is the arrival of the time 
of year known as “sugar weather,” when the nights are 
below freezing and the days are mild. 
This is the type of weather that makes the sap flow.”

而所提取的樹液(sap)裏,只有 2.5% 是糖分,而其餘的 97.5%都是水液。
每 40 公升的樹液(sap),只能萃取出 1 公升的 maple syrup。



記憶中的楓樹(Maple tree)果實像直升機,兩片果實連在一起,似V型螺旋槳。家外所種的,因爲葉子長得像楓葉,媽媽一直以爲它們就是楓樹,可是果實確呈 spiky 狀,很不像,爲了厘清它們的分別,今天終於認真上網查證,原來不是楓樹哦,是 SweetGum Tree。所以千萬不能有邊讀邊,或是有鬍子的就是自己的爸爸!

弟弟對楓糖(maple syrup)歷史毫無興趣,還説自己已經知道了,無需再學,教程有包含教導歷史這一塊,媽媽遲疑,其實這也算是不錯的學習,按照媽媽的慣例,就算教程沒有這一塊,媽媽也很可能會自己找資料來教。若他沒興趣,那媽媽是要跳過,還是堅持呢?


  1. Massachusetts Maple Producers Association - How Maple Syrup is Made
  2. Time - A Brief History of Maple Syrup

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