Monday, October 18, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Narrative Nonfiction . Natural Connection

 ~ 10/18/2021 ~

Narrative 敘述: of or relating to the process of telling a story

Nonfiction 非小说类文学作品〔如随笔,传记等〕

~ 以下資料節錄自《San Jose State University Writing Center》~

Adjectives are words that describe, identify, or quantify nouns and pronouns. They help specify our writing by offering more details about nouns and pronouns. 

Comparative Adjectives 
Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things—they help describe differences between two nouns.

Superlative Adjectives 
Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things. They help describe things on either end of a spectrum (e.g., smallest and largest, tallest and shortest).

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