Friday, October 22, 2021

Homeschool . 歷史 . Nation Grows

 ~ 2021/10/22 ~

說到 Gold Rush 淘金熱,弟弟立刻拿來漫畫本 “美國歷險記” 要媽媽唸 “什麼是‘淘金熱’”?題材非常貼切,只是課程又被延長了。其實對媽媽來說,學習最主要是樂趣,每天趕課程,這種感覺非常不好,學習變成壓力,好像無法產生樂趣啊!

1776 The U.S. declaration of Independence
1787 Northwest Ordinance. U.S. got the land of the Northwest Territory when it won the Revolutionary war
1790 - 1850 Westward Expansion. U.S. grew to stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
1803 Louisiana Purchase
1812 War  of 1812 between Great Britain and the U.S.
1836 The Texas won its independence from Mexico and declared of Independence
1843 Oregon Trail
1845 The Texas Annexation
1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. New Mexico,Utah,Nevada,Arizona,California and western Colorado belonged to the United Stated.  

弟弟在地圖上標記美國從獨立到 westward expansion

Oregon Trail

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