Saturday, October 30, 2021

Homeschool . 歷史 . Changes in Texas

 ~ 10/29/2021 ~


Life in Texas changed in the first half of the 1900s. Cities grew in a process called urbanization. The oil and gas industry developed and expanded. The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl created great hardship for many Texans. World War II (1939-1945) brought many opportunities during a difficult time for Texans and Americans.

  • Urbanization 
    • <10% Texans lived in the cities in 1900 ---> almost 2/3 lived in the cities in 1950.
    • Port cities grew such as Galveston and Corpus Christi
    • Cities grew due to development of railroad, such as Childress, Amarillo, and Dalhart.

  • Oil & Gas Industry  
    • Spindletop started the oil boom.
    • Refineries and oil companies were built in Houston, Beaumont, and Port Arthur
    • In 1923, a new oil field was discovered in the Permian Basin of west Texas. Texas used the profits to create the Permanent University Fund to pay for colleges across Texas, including the University of Texas and Texas A&M University.
    • refinery oil 'gasoline' allowed people to travel longer distances, made oil-based products, Asphalt 柏油/瀝青,石油精煉過程中的產物(視頻What's In Asphalt?). Natural gas was used to create electricity

    • 1900, Pattilo Higgins hired Anthony Lucas to drill a well in Spindeltop Hill, but found no oil
    • January 1901, an explosion oil shot from the hole, which people called 'Lucas Gusher'. News spreaded, roughnecks, wildcatters and land speculators flooded into Beaumont area.
    • 1908, Beaumont created a shipping channel in the Neches River to allow oil freighters to reach its refineries.
    • 1911, Oil fields were discovered in North Texas, leading to increased growth in nearby Fort Worth.
    • 1918, Natural gas was discovered in the Panhandle; Amarillo grew to support the industry.
    • 1920s, Major oil fields were discovered in the Permian Basin; Big Spring, San Angelo, Midland, and Odessa developed to support the industry.
    • 1914, Houston Ship Channel opened
                    1929, Houston became the location for 40 oil companies.

  •  The Great Depression
    • October 1929 until the beginning of World War II ---> stock market crashed. People had no money to pay debt and spend. Shops, factories, and businesses closed.
    • didn't have much effects on Texas in the beginning as most Texans were farmers and did not own stocks, fewer Texans lost jobs. Soon Texans feel the effects as Europeans could not pay as much for cotton or other products
    • 1932, Democratic Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected and proposed New Deal which helped Texans survived the Great Depression



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