Friday, October 29, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Animals All Around . Meter & Rhyme . Point of View

 ~ 10/29/2021 ~


Meter and Rhyme in Poetry 

Meter is the rhythm of syllables in a line of poetry. As you read a poem aloud, the first syllable is unaccented, or unstressed, and the second is accented, or stressed. The alternating syllables make the words seem to bounce. 

Words rhyme when their endings sound the same. Meter and rhyme help give poems a musical quality.

Point of View

The point of view is how the speaker of a poem thinks or feels. 

To determine the speaker, the student can look at the pronouns the author uses. 

The pronouns I, we, and me signal that the speaker is a character in the poem. 

The pronouns he, her, and they signal that the speaker is outside of the action and telling about the characters or events. 

Look for descriptive words and important details in the poem that show how the speaker feels about the topic.

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