Thursday, October 28, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Animals All Around . Stanza . Figurative Language . Similes & Metaphors . Haiku & Lyric Poem

 ~ 10/28/2021 ~

語文科是媽媽的致命傷,以前的三語課程都是勉强及格的,不曉得爲什麽總不開竅?其實若多閲讀的話,語文能力是可以更進的,後悔當初的總總也於事無補,現在把它做好比較實際吧!教弟弟英文真是困難重重,第一、媽媽沒學習過 phonics,對於發音根本一竅不通,而且 vowel,consonant rule 也不知道/不記得;第二、近十幾年用英文的機會非常少,許多生字早已忘光光,加上正值更年期,記憶超差的,而且咬字也沒年輕時清楚,時常還被小孩糾正。

今天的科學課,討論了‘Perfectionism’ 和 ‘Perserverance’,其中有道題目問說:“Make a list of some things that can overwhelm you.” 弟弟二話不説便回答說:“英文!” 媽媽感到抱歉因爲自己教不好,才會讓弟弟不喜歡英文的。弟弟說英文上太久了。是啊!可是課程就這麽多,媽媽又是那一種不愛跳過某段課程不教的人。後來媽媽提醒弟弟,或許是因爲這是 GT 課程的緣故,才較爲繁重,且需要花較長的時間。弟弟聽了好像感覺比較好些!媽媽也在改進自己的教法,盡量不要囉嗦,重複提醒重點。

Essential Question: How Are Writers Inspired by Animals?

What is a Stanza?

The term stanza means “stopping place” in Italian. A stanza is a set of lines in a poem, set apart from other sets of lines by space. Each stanza comprises its own unit. The break/space between stanzas generally indicates a pause between thoughts, concepts or actions. In standard practice, most poems end a sentence at the end of stanza.

A stanza is similar to a paragraph in a story or nonfiction selection. Stanzas and paragraphs both include information about a single point the writer wants to make. A stanza is different than a paragraph, though. Each line in a stanza does not have to be a complete sentence.


When you paraphrase, you restate what you just read in your own words. This will help you understand what you are reading.

視頻BrainPOP - Paraphrasing

Figurative Language

Figurative language is the use of words, phrases, symbols, or ideas to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. It includes similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and personification.

視頻BrainPOP - Figurative Language


A simile is a type of figurative language that compares two things or ideas using the words like or as. 

People use similes frequently to emphasize what they are trying to describe. 

Look at this sentence: The dog ran fast. As a reader, you understand that the dog ran fast, but how fast? Look at the sentence with a simile: The dog ran as fast as a cheetah. This gives you a better picture of how fast the dog was running. The simile is: as fast as a cheetah. The first subject, the dog, is being compared to the second subject, the cheetah’s running speed.

for example, the sun shone like a giant flashlight in the sky. / As fast as a cheetah! / Brave as a lion! / As cold as ice! / The movie theater was as cold as ice.

視頻BrainPOP - Similes & Metaphors


A metaphor is a direct comparison that refers to one thing as another, but does not use the words like or as; 

Look at this sentence: She was tall. As a reader, you understand that the girl is tall, but how tall? Look at the sentence with a metaphor: She was a tall mountain. This gives you a better picture of how tall the girl is.

for example, the sun was a giant flashlight in the sky. / The mouse is a ghost hiding behind the table. / She was a rabbit eating her food. / The witch had a heart of stone. / His legs are wobbly broomsticks.


A haiku has these features: 

  • uses three short lines to describe a scene or moment 
  • has a first and last line of five syllables and a second line of seven syllables

Lyric Poem

A lyric poem has these features: 

  • expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet 
  • often has end rhymes and a consistent meter(When you write or read poetry, think of meter as the beat or the cadence of the piece.)


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