Saturday, November 6, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Communities . Verbs


什麽是 Communities?
視頻Brainpop Jr. - Communities: Homes

8 Types of Literary Genres


  • main verb: The main verb in a sentence tells what the subject does or is. Main verbs can stand alone, or they can be used with a helping verb. The main verbs can be divided into two groups as ordinary verbs and actions verbs.
  • helping verb: A helping verb helps the main verb show an action or make a statement. 
    • For instance, they can show tense (which indicates when an action happened), ability, intention, or possibility. The primary helping verbs are to be, to do, and to have.
    • Example: I am driving to the beach. 
The helping verb “am” (a form of to be) lets the reader or listener know that the main verb in the sentence—in this case, “driving”—is happening continuously in the present. Different forms of to be could be used as a helping verb to explain when the driving is occurring (e.g., was driving, will drive, or had been driving).(資料取自《》)
    • Example: I did empty the trash. 
In this sentence, the helping verb “did” (a form of to do) emphasizes the main verb, which is “empty.” For instance, if your mother instructed you to take out the trash and you already did it, you wouldn’t likely say, “I emptied the trash.” Instead, you would say, “I did empty the trash!” (資料取自《》)
    • Example: I had seen the movie before. 
Here, the helping verb “had” (a form of to have) is used to express the past perfect tense, which indicates that the action of the sentence occurred at an earlier time in the past. For example, if someone told you they “saw” a movie, you may think they just finished watching it. If they say they “had seen” it, however, you would know that they went to the movies at some earlier time. (資料取自《》)
  • action verb: An action verb is a word that expresses action. It tells what the subject does or did. 
  • linking verb: main verbs aren’t always action verbs. Sometimes they simply express a subject’s state of being. In these cases, the main verbs are referred to as linking verbs since they link the subject to information concerning its state of being (referred to as a subject complement). 
Tip: It may be helpful to think of a linking verb as an equal sign. If you can substitute an equal sign for the main verb in a sentence, and it makes sense, then the main verb is a linking verb. (資料取自《》)
    • Example: As a toddler, Susan was adorable. 
Note that the main verb “was” does not express Susan’s actions but her state of being (i.e., adorable). (資料取自《》)
    • Example: Jennifer is a nurse at the local hospital. 
Here, the main verb “is” links the subject (Jennifer) to its complement, “a nurse.” (資料取自《》)




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