Sunday, October 31, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Animals All Around . Contractions . Phrase . Interjections

~ 10/31/2021 ~

今天繼續學詩。説到 “Sandpiper”,我們找來幾個不同的視頻,觀察 sandpiper 的習性與聆聽它們的叫聲,因爲詩裏有提到 “He runs and pipes”。除此,我們也學習了‘tide 潮汐’,因爲詩的第一個 stanza 就用了 ‘at the edge of tide/ race through the lace of thunder’,弟弟不清楚 ‘tide’ 和 ‘lace’ 是什麽?就來學習一下。


當然還要再看一次 Disney 的短片。觀察自然界中 sandpiper 與海浪賽跑的模樣還蠻可愛!

~~~ Grammar ~~~


視頻BrainPOP - Contractions


Use a comma after an introductory phrase that begins a sentence. 

Example: In the morning, you brush your teeth. 

視頻BrainPOP - Prepositional Phrases


An appositive is a noun that describes the noun that comes right before it. It is separated from the rest of the sentence with commas. 

Example: Mickey Mouse, a famous cartoon character, can be seen at Disneyland. 


Interjections are expressions that show emotion. An interjection is often followed by an exclamation point. 

Example: Stop! That could hurt you.

視頻BrainPOP - Interjections

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