Friday, November 19, 2021

Homeschool . ELA . Liberty and Justice . Biography . Main and Helping Verbs


又開始新單元,這幾個單元都和 Community 相關。説了“How can you make new friends feel welcome?”,“What ways can you help your community?”,這一章節要來分享“How can one person make a difference?”

什麽是 “Liberty” 和 “Justice”?

圖資取自《Merriam Webster Dictionary

A biography: 
  • is the story of a real person’s life written by another person 
  • usually presents events in chronological order 
  • may include text features, such as a timeline

~ 新單元學習的生字 ~

Main and Helping Verbs

  • The main verb in a sentence tells what the subject does or is. 

Example: We took a test. 

  • A helping verb helps the main verb tell about an action or make a statement. 

Example: We are taking a test. (In this example, are is the helping verb, and taking is the main verb.)

  • The helping verbs has, have,and had can be used with the past-tense form of a verb to show an action that has already happened.

Example: We have taken the test.

How do you use the verb 'have' in English?


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