Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Community Garden 栽種篇 . 西瓜


2022.03.06 種下西瓜種子,已兩個月,開了許多花,也好像結了三顆西瓜,是時候計劃如何幫助它們順利的在支架上成長。


  1. 西瓜一般主蔓、側蔓都會結瓜,一般主蔓結瓜會比側蔓較早,以主蔓結瓜為主。(住在較熱的地區,可以等第一顆採收後,再培育第二顆瓜,但不建議同時培育兩顆瓜在一株藤蔓上)
  2. 雌花授粉成功之後再進行修剪。
  3. 西瓜頂部保留 5~6 片葉子打頂,再保留一株較壯的側蔓,以幫助進行光合作用,其他側蔓全部剪去
  4. 枯枝敗葉、捲鬚、花芽、其他授粉成功的小雌花,全部清除。修剪完之後,施淡淡的磷鉀肥(i.e. 0-10-10)。
  5. 西瓜結果、膨大期,需要經常澆水,確認土地濕潤。但採收期前兩週可以停止澆水,以增添西瓜的甜度。

根據視頻:「我在矽谷當農民」,版主介紹西瓜大約累積攝氏 800-900 度就可以採摘,可以記錄看看時間是否吻合?




  1. Once the melons grow to about the size of a tennis ball, only water when the soil begins to dry out. Around two weeks before the fruit is ripe, stop watering to increase the sugar content in the fruits. 
  2. Water the vines where they are rooted into the soil and try to avoid getting the leaves wet which can lead to fungal problems
  3. It is best to use nitrogen-based fertilizer in the early stages of growing, then switch to phosphorus and potassium-based fertilizers when the plant produces flowers. (資料來源:

Harvesting Black Diamond Watermelons

Those wishing to plant Black Diamond will need to ensure a long growing season, as this variety may take at least 90 days to reach maturity.

As with any variety of watermelon, determining when fruits are at peak ripeness may be somewhat of a challenge. When attempting to pick a ripe watermelon, pay close attention to the tendril located where the melon connects to the plant stem. If this tendril is still green, the melon is not ripe. If the tendril has dried and turned brown, the melon is ripe or has started to ripen.

Before picking the watermelon, look for other signs that the fruit is ready. To further check the progress of the watermelon, carefully lift or roll it. Look for the place in which it was resting on the ground. When the melon is ripe, this area of the rind will usually have a cream-colored appearance.

Black Diamond watermelon rinds will also harden when they are ripe. Try scratching the watermelon rind with a fingernail. Ripe melons should not be able to be easily scratched. Using a combination of these methods when picking watermelons will ensure a much higher likelihood of choosing a fresh, juicy fruit that is ready to eat.(資料來源:


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