Tuesday, April 17, 2018


姊姊想參加 Duke Tip 舉辦的故事插圖比賽. 聽說第一名可以獲得獎金 $200, 第二名 $100, 第三名 $50, 姊姊很希望自己可以贏得第一名, 獲得豐富的獎金. 媽媽希望她能享受過程, 多過於最後的名次. 不管成功或失敗, 希望姊姊能夠學習到新的知識, 享受當下的過程.


~ https://tip.duke.edu/programs/4th-6th-grade-talent-search/writing-and-illustration-contest/contest-winners ~

Fourth Grade: The Cajun Kerfuffle

'Twas the night before Mardi Gras, and all through Swalampville, Louisiana, not even the mice were quiet! The town hall was abuzz with people bringing their ingredients for the town’s annual Swalampary Fest. When the town was founded, the mayor made a gumbo to celebrate. Each person who lived in the town brought a home-grown ingredient to add to the gumbo, and the swalampary tradition was started.
Sally Guidry and her son Philip were at their house preparing for the big event.
"Do you think I could play some card tricks while we're there?" asked Philip.
"You can bring your cards, but everyone will be very busy," Sally said.
"Okay," Philip said with a long face.
He ran to his room to grab his cards. He looked out his window and saw the Breaux twins on their way to the festival. Bill and Bob Breaux brought the hot peppers every year.
"Hey, mom! Let's go now!" Philip pleaded.
"All right, all right, but not too quickly. This meat is heavy," Sally said.
Passing their driveway, Betty Thibodeaux was hauling her big sack of rice. As Philip's mom went to help her, Philip scampered off to see the Breaux twins.
"What peppers did you make this year?" Philip asked.
"Sorry, son," said Bill.
"We can't reveal the peppers until we get to the festival," said Bob.
The Breaux family had always brought bell peppers to the swalampary until the twins decided to heat things up. Literally. For the past six years, they had been attempting to out hot each other by growing the hottest of all peppers. Last year's Devil and Pompeii Peppers had sent Philip to the dentist every day for two weeks to try and cool off his mouth.
As everyone arrived at Town Hall, Mayor Melancon was waiting to greet them at the big wooden doors.
"Greetings and thank you for coming to the seventy-fifth annual Swalampary Festival!" he said with pride.
“Would you like to see one of my mystifying card tricks?" Philip asked.
"Maybe later, Philip, after I judge the gumbo," Mayor Melancon said.
Philip sighed and went inside. His mom was too busy cooking the meat to watch his bottom palm trick. Betty Thibodeaux was racing against time to boil her rice instead of watching his two card monte. The Breaux twins were paying too much attention to their peppers to notice his jumping Gemini trick.
Just when Philip thought he would never get to show anyone his tricks, his science teacher Mr. Landry showed up.
“Hey, Mr. Landry! You’re just in time to see one of my sleight of hand tricks,” Philip said.
“If you want to do something with your hands, you could help me slice and dice these onions,” Mr. Landry said.
Philip spotted Dr. Core, the local dentist, walking around to hand out toothpaste samples and Dr. Core’s Dentistry Spit CupsTM.
“Hey, Dr. Core, what’s up?” Philip asked.
“I’m handing these out to try and keep from working triple shifts like I did last year. I hear the Breaux twins have something hot up their sleeves.”
“I have some tricks up my sleeves. Wanna see them?” Philip asked.
“Maybe later,” Dr. Core said.
Mayor Melancon made an announcement over the loud speaker. It was time for Bill and Bob to unveil their peppers, and then everyone could bring their ingredients to the Swalamp Pot.
Bill Breaux lifted up a small box revealing a tiny orange pepper.
“I give you the Spice Times Infinity Pepper!” Bill exclaimed.
Bob picked up his box and his pepper looks exactly the same as his brother’s.
“I give you the Lava Pepper!” Bob shouted.
Now, it was time to start the swalampary. First, they poured in the roux. Next, Betty Thibodeaux added the rice. Everyone who had brought a vegetable from their garden waited to add it after that. Finally, Sally dumped the sackload of meat into it, and Mayor Melancon stirred with the ceremonial golden swalampary spoon.
“Hey, Mr. Landry, do you want to see that card trick now?” Philip asked.
“After supper,” Mr. Landry said.
Philip couldn’t understand how a pot of soup and some peppers could be more mystifying to the people of Swalampville than the card tricks he’d been practicing. He’d had enough.
“And I give you the FIVE HUNDRED CARD PICKUP!!” Philip yelled as he threw every deck of cards he owned into the air.
One of them landed by Mayor Melancon, making him slide across the floor while holding onto the pot of swalampary gumbo, which spilled out the sides and caused more people to stumble. At the same time, the Breaux twins slid toward the pot and dropped their peppers into the mix. Dr. Core ran to help Mayor Melancon and slipped on a card, dropping his extra-minty mint toothpaste into the pot. The pot started to bubble then spew.
Mr. Landry shouted something super scientific, which no one understood.
“What does that mean?” Mayor Melancon shouted.
“It means gumbo go BOOM!” Mr. Landry yelled.
Everyone flipped the long tables over and hid behind them, but it was no use. The gumbo popped and exploded all over the room. The hot gumbo got into everyone’s eyes, which were now spicy times infinity. It went into their mouths, and their lips burned like lava. Mr. Landry was also head of the volunteer fire department, so he slid across the floor to the fire hoses and started rinsing everything and everyone off.
The townspeople of Swalampville skidded and skated across the mixture of gumbo, toothpaste, and cards that covered the floor then landed outside on the street.
The next morning, Philip woke up and headed to pick up his cards. There was already a line at Dr. Core’s office. At Town Hall, instead of finding his cards, he found a sign tacked to the front door that read: Notice! Due to the unfortunate kerfuffle on February 29th, toothpaste, playing cards, and swalampary are no longer allowed in this building. Thank you for your cooperation.
~ 姊姊的作品 ~
5/12 日成績揭曉, 姊姊的作品並沒有得獎

1) https://tip.duke.edu/programs/4th-6th-grade-talent-search/writing-and-illustration-contest/contest-winners

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